Economic Development – Planning

Yaran Business Services and its associates have experience in the industry and project-specific planning with Indigenous stakeholders involving a wide consultation process across a range of complex issues.  Plans have addressed matters such as economic and employment development, primary production, development associated with mining activities, art and crafts production, regional marketing and co-ordination of Government programs.

The team’s experience in both regional and industry-based strategic planning, and extensive knowledge of cross-industry projects in these areas, enables us to undertake broad-ranging projects that encourage a partnership approach from Industry with a range of Indigenous organisations.

Our experience and success in remote areas is a valuable resource for Industry Groups and Government organizations, planning to engage Indigenous organisations or communities. In particular we have:

  • An awareness of needing to consult with all relevant groups and community representatives throughout the project;
  • An understanding of Aboriginal culture and protocols;
  • First hand exposure to the range of influences on Indigenous businesses including the balance between Economic, Cultural, Social and Environmental outcomes;
  • An awareness of the issues affecting Aboriginal people in contemporary Australian society.

Yaran Business Services can also support Native Title groups in developing and reviewing the terms of reference of Land Access Agreements with industry and government, to ensure that Traditional Owners gain maximum economic benefit from these negotiations.

The experience of our principals and associates in the corporate sector enables us to translate current business knowledge into planning for these sectors.

@rick_biz Download: YBS 2016 Business ENR Brochure

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…Creating Opportunity