Economic Development – Organisational & Business Planning
Yaran Business Services and its associates have over the past 20 years, been involved in a wide and varied range of strategic and business planning projects for indigenous communities in Australia in diverse fields such as hospitality, community services and small business development. Projects have included strategic and business planning for cafes, national park visitor centres and galleries, mining related activities, accommodation, labour hire, fuel outlets, pastoral properties, tourism ventures, building companies and community stores.
Our team can assist through an early analysis of your economic development partners capacity and credentials or that of the economic opportunity that is being presented and its current status, identifying achievable goals and timelines, and developing productive partnerships with industry or regional partners where appropriate. We ensure ongoing and open communication and facilitation with the indigenous organisations. Our experience in remote communities enables us to take into consideration the challenges of isolation and to plan for realistic outcomes and the need for future planning and review.
Our consultants can demonstrate the broad base of experience required to deliver a successful outcome to your organisation.
Contact Yaran today
…Creating Opportunity