Indigenous Services

Yaran Business Services has particular expertise working with and undertaking consultations in Indigenous communities and with corporations including many communities in remote areas.

We have worked for Indigenous organisations and communities across all  all States and the Torres Strait Islands.

Our team brings a wealth of experience in working with Indigenous peoples including high-level policy and program development, strategic, corporate and organisational planning, economic development and community consultation.  Our specialties also include industry and regional economic development, organisational and government feasibility studies and reviews, investigations and property planning and governance training.

We have and can continue to support enterprise development associated with these Agreements. Our particular areas of expertise are:

  • Economic Development – Planning
  • Economic Development – Strategic and business planning
  • Government Program and Organisational Reviews
  • Ongoing heritage planning and management
  • Employment
  • Property Planning (including Native Title Issues)
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Governance, Mentoring and Planning

For more information about our business advisory group, please download a copy of our brochure by clicking on the icon.

Key contacts – Nationally

Richard (Rick) Callaghan

David Muller

Contact Yaran today

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…Creating Opportunity