Richard (Rick) Callaghan – Director Yaran Business Services Pty Ltd


Rick Callaghan

Rick has specialised in Management Consulting and Business Improvement and Development since 1995.  He was a Senior Manager at KPMG prior to becoming a Director of his own consulting business (Yaran Business Services (“YBS”)) in 2000.  Yaran developed a team of quality consultants that are well regarded in their area of specialty to ensure professional, appropriate, ethical and timely services for all their clients.

Rick’s work in recent years has involved working with Indigenous corporations, Commonwealth, State and Local government agencies and major resource houses around Australia. His work involved economic development, reviews and evaluations with regard to funded organisations and developing commercial opportunities on the back of mining and resource agreements with Aboriginal entities.  He is an Aboriginal man and brings knowledge from both the community and business sectors.

Specialist Service Lines

The specialised services offered by Rick include:

  • Strategic and Business planning;
  • Trust management;
  • Corporate Governance training;
  • Project implementation;
  • Buying and developing of businesses;
  • Feasibility studies;
  • Financial, operational and viability reviews;
  • Cross Cultural Awareness and Inclusion;
  • Joint venture and network development.

Work with Mainstream Corporate Sector

Rick has extensive experience in the specialist service areas noted above and brings the knowledge of many years of practical experience to assist clients in planning their business future. He is highly experienced in stakeholder consultation using proven processes to ensure sound outcomes.

Work with Indigenous Entities

Rick has worked with Indigenous entities since 2000.  Initially he was involved in consultancy work related to the Indigenous organisations through out Far North Queensland and the Torres Strait Islands upon the introduction of the GST process. He then commenced working with mining royalty based organisations and assisted in the development of commercial negotiations, trust management and day to day management services.

Work History

  • 1975 – 1995 – Senior Investigator
  • 1995 – 2000 – Senior Manager Indigenous Business Group and Forensic Accounting Group with KPMG
  • 2000 onwards – Director of Yaran Business Services Pty Ltd, Carey Training Pty Ltd and other businesses.

Qualifications, Professional Memberships and Accreditations

  • Bachelor of Management, University of South Australia
  • Graduate Diploma of Government (Fraud Control Investigations) Charles Sturt University
  • Certificate 4 in Training & Assessment
  • Fellow of the SA Governors Leadership Foundation
  • Member of the Institute of Management Consultants
  • Member of the Australian Institute Company Directors
  • Independent Director – Regional Anangu Services Aboriginal Corporation
  • Member of the Health Performance Council of SA – Ministers Appointment
  • Panel member with a number of government departments including, Department of Employment Education and Workplace Relations (IEP) and Torres Strait Regional Authority advisory panel.

Download Rick Callaghan CV

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…Creating Opportunity