Government Organisational Reviews & Evaluations
Yaran Business Services has been involved in a number of reviews, evaluations and investigations for government, non-government and Indigenous organisations.
We have a team of specialist consultants who together have a broad range of experience and knowledge of Indigenous communities, their governance structures, financial operations, human resource needs, Government program and policy directives and cultural imperatives. We are therefore in a prime position to engage with communities and organisations to review current practices and outcomes, and to produce a review that contains a set of practical and achievable recommendations for the Community, Board, management and Funding Agencies to consider.
We have high quality relationships with State and Commonwealth departments. We have been a long standing member of the panel operated by Indigenous Employment Program (IEP) managed by the Department of Education Employment and Work Place Relations (DEEWR), Indigenous Business Australia, Indigenous Land Corporation and Health based agencies including the Torres Strait Regional Authority panel. During 2015 we were appointed to the Examinations and Administration Panel for the Office of the Registrar Indigenous Corporations. We have recently signed a Deed of Standing Offer to be on the Prime Minister and Cabinet (Department) Collaborative Evaluation, Research and Planing Panel 2016.
Through various government programs we have been involved in a range of business development projects across Australia. In addition various Agencies have contracted us for a range of reviews and feasibility studies for a diversity of program areas.
We work productively between Government bodies and indigenous organisations, as we believe we have a good understanding of government guidelines, programs and probity principles to provide positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the country. Our expertise in building capacity through the review process has assisted or clients and the organisation being reviewed.
Yaran can offer valuable review services to Native Title Groups who have previously negotiated Land Access Agreements who then need to evaluate the agreed terms of reference and if they have been adhered to. We have been with a native title application from the submission to grant of native title and the ongoing development of commercial opportunities (traffic management, bakery business, transport and logistics, camp management) that have come out of the commercial opportunities of the native title specific agreement.
Contact Yaran today
…Creating Opportunity